Film Poster Artwork

The White Cloth gallery in Leeds had a “Mondo” poster exhibition a couple of months ago that I was fortunate enough to see (though apparently all of the copies of the posters sold out pretty much instantly so I was not able to buy any for myself.) These are basically posters created by contemporary artists for films, both classic and contemporary. I would have to say that my favourite artist was Olly Moss who curated the exhibition.

Separate to this, I stumbled across a website with a number of Polish versions of film posters that are all pretty unique, and that seem to come more from a place of how the artist interpreted the meaning or feeling of the film.

The styles of these posters are pretty drastically different, but because they both have the same goal, I thought that it might be interesting to share some of my favourite pieces of Mondo and Polish poster art together here.


Jurassic Park – Olly Moss

Return of the Jedi - Olly Moss

Return of the Jedi – Olly Moss

Repo Man - Jay Shaw

Repo Man – Jay Shaw

There Will Be Blood - Olly Moss

There Will Be Blood – Olly Moss



Raiders of the Lost Ark

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

The Neverending Story

The Neverending Story



I have to apologise for not being able to find out the names of the Polish artists. (Also, I don’t know why, but even though it is fairly childish I kind of love the Neverending Story poster!)

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